The MLP Winter League is about to begin

The King Kong Tournaments’ Winter MLP League is upon us! Starting tomorrow, Sunday, February 2 and running thought to the end of March, we will have 2 MLP leagues playing. The higher rated league (the ‘Champions’) will play from 10a to noon, and the slightly lower rated league (the ‘Challengers’) will play from noon to 2p.
The Champions League has 18 teams and is split into 3 brackets of 6 and will play a 5 week season + the playoffs/finals. The top team in each bracket will move on to the playoff round, with the best of the rest becoming the 4th seed. We’ll need to see if a play-in round is needed in case of a tie.
The Challengers League has 14 teams and is split into 2 brackets of 7 and will play an 8 week season + playoffs/finals. Each team will have a bye week during the season and the top 2 teams in each bracket will move on to the playoffs.
The lineups and season schedule is attached.
Come on out to watch as we leave the January blues behind and warm things up for the final 2 months of winter. And if you can’t make it out, tune in to the livestream on the YT channel:

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