Holy cow! We may have had only 10 teams to come and play but the 10 that came, came to play!
The finals came down to 1 team going through unscathed, Team Michaele Danielson and Gavin Mason, followed by Janice Capdepon and Paul Damren, then Ron and Debbie Ahart and Glen Smith and Jan Stephens . Team Curtis Black and Lisa Graham withdrew after showing he could play, even with one hip (dubbed “one hip wonder”).
In the Finals, Janice and proved they were worthy of Gold by first beating Ron and Debbie 11-3 and then taking down Michaele and Gavin in an epic 15-13 match. Michaele and Gavin earned the Silver by defeating Glen and Jan 11-5 before their loss to Janice and Paul. Glen and Jan redeemed themselves by winning Bronze 11-10 (hey, you were supposed to win 11, win by 2!) over Ron and Debbie. (Upon video review, the final score was 11-8)
Kongrats to all the winners and participants! And, as always, thanks to my volunteers Chas Popplestone, Diane Fuleky, and Julie Ferron – you guys are the best. Thanks again to Moon Toomey for looking out for the team and grabbing us Mickey D’s cheeseburgers!
Next up:
- Mixed 4.5+, May 12
- Mixed 4.0 signups Tue, May 7 @ 8:30p

Technical difficulties continue to plague my dslr so here are a few frames I scrapped from the videos I captured.
In the meantime, here’s the link to King Kong Tournament YT channel and the live stream of games.
- Open play 0:00
- Game 1 21:40 to 32:10
- Game 2 46:00 to 58:15
- Game 3 1:13:15 to 1:33:45
- Game 4 1:35:15 to 1:45:30
- Game 5 1:57:25 to 2:11:15
- Semi 2 v 3 2:28:10 to 2:45:45
- Bronze 2:50:30 to 3:05:35
- End of the Gold-Silver 3:06:20 (frame frozen for a bit before resuming 3:06:55) to the end, 3:29:53
I will also be processing a video of the Semis 1 v 4 and Gold-Silver games captured on the GoPro.