It was another smoking hot day at the courts today, and I’m not just talking about the temps, which did claim one of the women. But for those who came to play and watch or help me, hats off (on?) to all of you!
In the Women’s matchup, the heat took it’s first and last victim of the day, with Pam Copeland needing to withdraw after just playing one game against Robyn Cavallero. That left her to duke it out with the sisters, Tracy Liston and Nancy Summers. Tracy went undefeated for the Gold, followed by Robyn for the Silver and Nancy with the Bronze.
For the Men’s, it was mutually agreed to to split the group into 2 and play 7 rally games to 15, with each player sitting out 1 game through regular play The top 2 from both groups then meet for the finals.
In the both the first and second groups, the top 3 men all finished with 5 wins and were only separated by 3 total points. In group 1, Doug McClintock finished on top with 85, followed by Tom Musone at 83 and Rainer Badem just missing out at 82. In group 2, Mark Montgomery led the way with 86, followed by Brian Lasky at 85 and Rick Langford at 83. Talk about tight!
In the finals, Doug proved he was the best for the second week in a row, no matter what age, and claimed his second Gold in as many weeks by first defeating Brian 15-5 and then Mark 15-7. Mark got the Silver by beating Tom 15-11 and Tom earned Bronze, taking down Brian 15-7. Kongrats!
Many thanks to my stallworth team of Chas Popplestone and Glen Smith for keeping the scoreboard square!
Alas, the GoPro recorded none of the games from the Singles Under 65 tourney. Not sure why but it looks like a setting changed so I’m going have to and see what happened there. Nevertheless, not all is a loss as here are the photos and the live stream saved to the YT channel:
As mentioned previously, next up on the calendar:
– signups for the Women’s Doubles Age 65 and Older opens July 2 at 8:30p
– Pickle N’ Poker Palooza-Morning Crew is this Friday, July 5 at 8a
– 4th of July Special-Carnival is Sunday, July 7 at 10a
– this will be a for fun event where you can test your pickleball skills and maybe win a door prize.
– entrance fee proceeds to go to a local charity