What an awesome day of play at the King Kong Tournaments with the Men’s 4.5+!
The team of Andy Zarka and Bill Speckman managed to go through the first 5 as the only unbeaten team, followed by Tom Musone and Rich Scappaticci with a loss by 3, Jim Welch and Ed DeMaio with a loss by 5 and Tony Chiravolo and Scott Shore with 2 losses by a total of 6.
It was a new ball game for the semis as Tony and Scott took down Andy and Billy, 11-9. In the revenge game between Tom and Rich v Jim and Ed, Jim and Ed proved they were no flukes in handing Tom and Rich their second meeting, 11-6.
In the Gold game, Jim and Ed showed them why they are still a force from a few years ago and got the earned the Gold by beating Tony and Scott, 11-5. Tony and Scott earned their second Silver for their efforts.
In the Bronze, Andy and Bill ran out of gas and couldn’t close on a medal, with Tom and Rich winning , 11-3.
Kongrats to all the winners and participants and thanks to all the fans watching in person or online. And special thanks to my volunteers, Chas Popplestone, Sue Reich and Gavin Mason.
Up next:
- Men’s 4.0 next Sunday
- Signups for the Summer Slam starts Tuesday, June 4 at 8:30p
- Pickle N’ Poker Palooza – Morning Crew, June 7, 8-10a

Here are the photos from this weekend’s Men’s 4.5+ tourney!
And the live stream and videos from Games 1-5 on Court 6, the Semis 1 v 4, and the Gold-Silver match are also now up on the YT channel!
Get out the popcorn!