Final Update: Ok, I think we are squared away for tomorrow!
Michael is in for Jim (get well soon!)
We are at 10 and I will split the draw into 2 groups of 5, round robin of 5 games within each draw, 1 player to have a bye in each game. Games will be to 15, win by 1, switch ends at 8. Top 2 winners from each group (wins, total points and then point differential) will proceed to the finals for 2 more games, winners playing for gold and silver, losers for the bronze.
Come on out this Sunday, June 23 to Ezell at 10a and watch the King Kong Tournaments Singles, Age 65 and Over play. Alas, no women signed up but we do have 8 men ready to take up arms to find out who is the King of the Goldens!
As we only have 8, it will be a full round robin of 7 games (everyone faces each other once). Games will be to 15, swtich ends at 8, win by 1. Top finishers will be determined by Wins, Total Points, and then Points Differential.
As we only have 8, it will be a full round robin of 7 games (everyone faces each other once). Games will be to 15, swtich ends at 8, win by 1. Top finishers will be determined by Wins, Total Points, and then Points Differential.
We’ll only be using 4 courts so the remaining courts are subject to open play. I think it will be courts 4, 6, 7 and 9, keeping the front row free.
Yes, I will try to live stream on YT again so keep your fingers crossed that my gear doesn’t cook in the FL summer like a couple of weeks ago.
Here is your line up for this weekend. May the best man win!