We had an incredible signup for the upcoming Mixed Doubles MLP Test Matches this Sunday.
At one point for the 4.0 and Higher, there were 28 teams signed up and we lost a few due to various circumstances but, in the end, still have 18 starting and 5 more on the sub/waiting list.
And while it took a little longer to fill the roster for the 3.5 and Lowers, we also finished with 18 teams plus 1 person on the sub list.
Come on out to show your support, Sunday, Jan 19. The 4.0’s and Higher will play from 10a to noon and the 3.5 and Lower will play from noon to 2p. If you can’t make it, watch it live at: https://www.youtube.com/@JohnnyKingKong
Good job, everyone!
Now let’s hope the weather holds up!
Let’s Go!