Updated 10/18 4:30p
Change in one team as have not heard back from Tom and if he found a partner to play with. Team 10 will now be Rich Fuleky and Joe Verber. Good luck everyone!
It’s looking like another beautiful fall weekend coming up and the King Kong Tournaments has the Men’s “6.5” and Under on Sunday, October 20, 10a at Ezell.
I say “6.5” because apparently, these guys forgot how to math and we have a few teams that are not in compliance. “6.5” typically means a 3.0 plays with a 3.5. In DUPR parlance, a 3.0 is a player with a 3.0 to 3.49 rating and a 3.5 player is one with a 3.5 to 3.99 rating.
It’s your lucky weekend as I’m going to let you slide this time, but the guilty parties have been identified so we’re going to find out if they are really sandbagging or not. Tom – please name your partner ASAP.
We experienced some technical difficulties last week with the livestream but hopefully we won’t see those gremlins this weekend: https://www.youtube.com/@JohnnyKingKong/streams. Better yet, enjoy the fall conditions and come on out to support the teams in person!
Here’s your Sunday card!