The heat was definitely on and my gear took a beating sitting in the sun so we’ll have to see what can be salvaged from the live stream and the GoPro. But not only was it hot, but so was the play!
There were 3 undefeated teams and, boy, they were killing it with point differentials of +48 (Luis Garcia and Sean Donnelly,+41 (Mark Montgomery and Chris Armstrong), and +37 (Tony Chiravolo and Scott Shore). In the 4th spot was the team of Scott Esselborn and Darrel Short with 47 total points.
In the end, Luis and Sean survived a great performance by Steve and Darrel, 12-10, to then survive a second strong game by Tony and Scott, 11-9, to earn the Gold. Tony and Scott got their 3rd (I have to check if it’s not 4) Silver by earlier beating Mark and Chris, 11-3. Mark and Chris got the Bronze by then beating Steve and Darrel, 11-1.
Kongrats to all the winners and participants and thanks again to my wonderful team of volunteers, Chas Popplestone, Sue Reich and Diane Fuleky. Thanks again to super fan, Moon Toomey, for feeding us cheeseburgers and all the spectators who came out in the heat to watch!
Up next:
Summer Slam
- Week 1- June 16
- Week 2 – June 23
- Finals – June 30
Here is the link to photos:
I salvaged the live stream to the start of Game 3 on Court 9 and was able to get the feed working for Game 5 on Court 9. From the GoPro, I have Game 2, 3, 5 and the Semis 1 v 4 from Court 6. Bad day for the camera gear in the blistering heat. Here’s the link to the playlist on the YT channel: