Happy Sunday! We had the Gold-Silver match carried over from last week’s interrupted Men’s Doubles Age 64 and Younger this morning. The power combo of Jason Hedden and Doug McClintock proved to be a little too much for Jim Bruton and Gary Chalmers to overcome, winning 11-7 and 11-8 to take the Gold. Jim and Gary earned the Silver for their valiant efforts. Kongrats to both teams!
So the question becomes, who can stop the juggernaut, Doug? He’s entered 4 consecutive King Kong Tournaments and has walked away with 3 Golds and a Silver!
For the Bronze match with Alan Knuckles and John Buffington versus Chris Armstrong and Billy Speckman, we’ll look to try and have it Aug 25 (to be confirmed).
Here’s the link to all the photos:
The live stream will be in last week’s YT playlist:
Up Next:
- Signups for Women’s Combined 6.5 on August 25 opens August 13 at 8:30p
- Pickle N’ Poker Palooza-Night Owls is August 16, 7-9p
- Mixed Doubles Age 64 and Younger is August 18, 10a at Ezell