Updated 10/22 6:50a
The signups for the Halloween Charity event has been updated below. If you are not paired up for one of the games, I’ll pair you with someone or you can pick your partner at game time. For the Pickleball Pong, I’ve collected around a dozen buckets from various picklers in the last couple of days. Thanks for letting us borrow your buckets. If you are playing, same as before, please try to bring a couple of buckets with you!
Lastly, spoke with Rebecca and she’s going to be bringing a few of her athletes with her as volunteers but maybe they’ll want to play, too!
See everyone on Sunday!
For the curious, this is where we are with the Halloween Charity Event (Oct 27) signups.
Remember, you’ll need to wear an inflatable costume (swimming pool floats do not count!) and if you are playing Pong, please bing at least two 5 gal buckets (Lowes’s/HomeDepot/Ace/Rural King) as I would like to have 12 per court. I’ll adjust downward if we don’t have enough buckets to go around. Wanna play? Signup! https://kingkongtournaments.com/events/?event=5074&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3jIayA54a03TXkrwrQmfxbDMBDUAUkiluKH2T0jK56ASkpa_p07zme5_o_aem_VfDRY88FJ16_R-VsJqxLhQ