Below are some tips for using this website.

  1. You must have a user id and be logged in in order to signup for a tournament
  2. If you do not have a user id, register for one under the ‘Register’ within the Log In/Log Out menu
  3. If you need to modify your signup (adding/changing partners)
    • Login to the website and under the Login/Logout menu, select User Profile
    • Find and select My Bookings from your User Profile page
    • Find the booking you wish to change and select Edit
    • Modify your booking details and select Update Booking to save your change
  4. To Cancel a Reservation:
    • Login to the website and under the Login/Logout menu, select User Profile
    • Find and select My Bookings from your User Profile page
    • Find the booking you wish to change and select Details
    • From your ticket, find and click Cancel Booking
    • In the popup, click on OK to confirm or Cancel if you change your mind and want to keep your reservation
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