
Singles Women's and Men's Age Under 65 June 30, 2024
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30 Jun 10:00 AM
Until 30 Jun, 02:00 PM 4h

Singles Women's and Men's Age Under 65 June 30, 2024

Ezell Rec Center 769 Marilee Pl, The Villages, FL 32163
Organized by Johnny Kong

Singles Women's and Men's Age Under 65 

This weekly series hosted by Villager, Johnny Kong, for those wanting more Pickleball tournaments. New tournament every Sunday!!

June 30, 2024, 10a at Ezell

  • If you do not have a user id on this website, please create one by registering
  • Sign ups will become active on Sun, June 16 at 8a
  • Only the first 18 will play and any remaining teams signed up will go to the sub/waiting list

The Specifics:

  • Women and Men ages 65 and over.
  • 5 games of randomly selected opponents with a single elimination playoff for the top 4 players in points, then wins and points differential for the tie breakers
  • Depending on the number of players, I will determine if the Women and Men will play at the same time (total of 18 players) or will alternate between Women play and then Men play (more than 18 players), with a rest between changeovers
  • Time change: tournament play will begin at 10:15a so as to not to interfere with the open play group. We have the courts from 10a to 2p. Come starting at 9:50a (end of open play) to check in and warm up.
  • $2 fee from each person to cover the cost of the medals

Volunteers needed.

Tips for changing or canceling your signup:
[You must be logged in to the website. You are logged in if you see your username in your browser window header or Logout in the menu bar}
To Edit your Reservation:
1-Login to the website and under the Login/Logout menu, select User Profile
2-Find and select My Bookings from your User Profile page
3-Find the booking you wish to change and select Edit
4-Modify your booking details and select Update Booking to save your changes
To Cancel a Reservation:
1-Login to the website and under the Login/Logout menu, select User Profile
2-Find and select My Bookings from your User Profile page
3-Find the booking you wish to change and select Details
4-From your ticket, find and click Cancel Booking
5-In the popup, click on OK to confirm or Cancel if you change your mind and want to keep your reservation
[Note; review your Booking ID number and pick the correct one you are looking to cancel before canceling. The higher the number, the newer the reservation. You will generally want to keep your older reservation, especially if you are within the first 18 reservation holders.]
If you have other questions or comments, please use the Contact Us link in the website.

Contact info: Johnny Kong | 352-446-6269 |

Ratings for Singles Women's and Men's Age Under 65 June 30, 2024
(0 Reviews)
Going to this event
18 confirmed so far.
01 chevron_right Brian Lasky
02 chevron_right Jim Grafmeyer
03 chevron_right Richard Hauser
04 chevron_right Doug McClintock
05 chevron_right Pam Copeland
06 chevron_right David DeBeradinis
07 chevron_right Tom Musone
08 chevron_right Tim Cypher
09 chevron_right Eric Green
10 chevron_right Tim Costello
11 chevron_right Robyn Cavalllaro
12 chevron_right Rick Langford
13 chevron_right PJ Baum
14 chevron_right Nancy Summers
15 chevron_right Tracy Liston
16 chevron_right Umang Kasotia
17 chevron_right Rainer Badem
18 chevron_right Mark Montgomery
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