It was another fine Sunday to witness more of the amazing women pickleballers play for the Combined 8.5 at the King Kong Tournaments this morning.
We did get off to a slow start as one of the competitors got sick just before play started and we had to do a little scrambling to get the one and only Maureen Plainfield to come and sub for Amy Cameron. Amy-we’re all hoping you’re feeling better this afternoon and look to see you on the courts again soon.
In the round robin, the teams of Dana Dodge and Dana Poulsen and Wendy Bledsoe and Bryana Witt stayed undefeated in their brackets with the four 1-1 teams vying for the 2 remaining spots in the final game of the round robin play. The team of Kim Hedden and Jodi Schaffer were on a mission to get into the finals and handed Barbara Garcia and Laura Propert a resounding 11-3 loss to secure their spot. In the other bracket, Ann Friedline and Laura Mayes also won by 11-3 over the scrappy duo of Amanda Berg and Stephanie Dance to earn them the last spot in the finals.
In the Semis, the 2 Danas were not to be denied as they made short work of Ann and Laura, winning decisively, 11-2. Not to be out done, Kim and Jodi matched the Danas in handing Wendy and Bryana a loss to the same score 11-2 score.
That set up the second straight week of revenge games for the medals.In the Bronze, Ann and Laura overcame their earlier loss by 5-11 to Wendy and Bryana to claim their medal with a 11-4 victory. In the rematch with Dana squared v Kim and Jodi, the power of the 2 Danas proved to be too much as they hung on to win 13-11 for their Gold. No shame to Kim and Jodi for earning Silver as they traded the led all the way to the end.
Kongrats to the winners and thanks once again for the fans coming out to watch in person or online. And thanks again to Chas Popplestone and Diane Fuleky for managing the scoreboard and burgermeister Moon Toomey for keeping everyone fed!
Up Next:
- -Mixed Combined >=6.5 and <=8.0 Sep 15
- -signups for the Mixed Combined >=8.0 on Sep 22 opens on 9/10 at 8:30p
- -Pickle N’ Poker Palooza-Night Owls is Sep 20
Here’s the link to the photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBGFCF
This is the link to the YT channel with the replay of the live stream and footage from the GoPro on Court 9: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0MUnaQ-KX8whtiyN1PJhiYOB-ddnDa7
These are the timestamps for the GoPro footage (processing):
- Game 1 (0:00:00) – Mandy Berg and Stephanie Dance v Wendy Bledsoe and Bryana Witt
- Game 2 (0:09:29) – Nancy Summers and Maureen Plainfield v Mandy Berg and Stephanie Dance
- Game 3 (0:21:10) – Ann Friedline and Laura Mayes v Mandy Berg and Stephanie Dance
- Semis (0:33:43) – Kim Hedden and Jodi Schaffer v Wendy Bledsoe and Bryana Witt
- Bronze (0:42:49) – Ann Friedine and Laura Mayes v Wendy Bledsoe and Bryana Witt
- End of Gold-Silver (0:54:27) – Dana Dodge and Dana Poulsen v Kim Hedden and Jodi Schaffer