Ten men entered the ring to do battle not only against each other but against the heat and impending thunderstorms looming on the horizon. The group was split into 2, with each draw playing a total of 5 games to 15, win by 1, and 1 bye per player for each game. The top 2 in wins, then points and points differential then meet to determine your medalists.
In the top half of the draw, it was a 3-way race between Michael Ciavarini, Bill Harris, and Spencer Lambert, each with 3 wins. Coming on top was Michael with 52 points, followed by Spencer with 51 and then Bill falling out of the medal race with 49.
In the bottom half of the draw, Doug McClintock ran away with a perfect 4 wins followed by born yesterday, Frank Sweeney, with 3 wins.
That setup the first semis with Michael and Frank, and the second semis with Doug and Spencer. Frank and Michael played a marathon game, with Frank taking it 15-11. Doug showed his tennis background and pulled out all the stops by first blanking Spencer in his semis and then repeating the feat and taking the Gold against Frank (first time we had a double pickle in our tournaments) and Frank getting the Silver. Michael got the Bronze as Spencer bowed out due to the heat.
Kongratulations to all the winners and participants and to the fans who endured the heat. And, thanks again to my volunteers, Chas Popplestone, Sue Reich and Gavin Mason.
Next up:
- Singles under 65, Sunday, June 30
- Pickle N’ Poker Palooza-Morning Crew, July 5
- 4th of Juily Special-Carnival, July 7
Here are the photos from the tournament:
Watch the live stream again and plus action from Court 6: